Dental Surgery


All You Need to Know

Did you know most dogs and cats over the age of three have dental disease?

By three years of age, most dogs and cats have some level of periodontal disease. Not always apparent to pet owners, dental disease can cause oral pain, infection, inflammation, and other health problems, decreasing the quality of life for your pets. Left untreated, dental disease can lead to more serious health complications that may extend beyond your pet’s teeth.

5 Reasons Why Routine Dental Care is Essential for Your Pets

Dental Disease is painful for pets.
Our stoic little creatures are good at hiding pain and discomfort. For this reason, many pet owners are oblivious to their pet’s active dental disease. Keep an eye on your pet’s dental health by simply lifting their mouth to see those teeth. Always look for signs that may indicate your pet is in pain. (see what are the signs of periodontal disease below)
Prevent bad breath (halitosis).
If a whiff of your pet’s breath makes you nearly pass out, it is time you give us a call. When your pet has a healthy mouth and healthy teeth, the bad breath will be a thing of the past.
Dental Disease can lead to other health problems.
Bacteria in plaque can enter the bloodstream and spread to the heart, kidneys, and liver. This spread of bacteria can potentially cause serious illness. Poor oral health can shorten a pet’s life span by three to five years.
Prevent tooth loss.
Your pet’s teeth can fall out if not given proper care, which can be painful and lead to other health problems as mentioned. Good pet dental care will ensure that those teeth stay healthy and keep in place.
Prevent worsening dental disease.
Because so many pets have dental disease by the time they are 3 years old, it can be difficult to prevent it from developing in the first place. However, good routine dental care and proper monitoring can prevent dental disease from becoming severe and causing problems throughout your pet’s body.
What is periodontal disease?
Periodontal disease is an infection of the periodontium (tissues surrounding the teeth) that progresses in stages. Periodontal disease begins with the formation of a bacterial film on the teeth known as plaque. If left untreated the plaque will spread and will lead to inflammation of the gums, causing them to get red, swollen, and to bleed easily, a condition known as gingivitis.
What are the signs of periodontal disease?
  • Inflamed and red gums
  • Visible tartar on the teeth
  • Broken or missing teeth
  • Bad breath
  • Decreased appetite or trouble eating
  • Unusual discharge from the mouth
  • Swelling of any area near the mouth
  • Abnormal chewing or excessive drooling
  • Painful when touched near mouth

If you notice your pet having any of these symptoms give us a call to set up a dental consult.

How do we treat periodontal disease?
The treatment will be based on the severity of your pet’s dental disease. For most pets, a full dental procedure (full scaling and polishing under anesthesia) will be recommended. Other pets will require extractions (removing diseased teeth) in addition to their cleaning. The removal of an affected tooth will provide some much-needed relief for your fur baby. After a proper dental procedure, many pet owners report the emergence of a “brand new pet”—one who is happier and more active. By providing home dental care in addition to regular professional cleaning, you can help prevent periodontal disease from recurring.
Why would my pet need dental extractions?
In dogs and cats, we remove teeth for several reasons including:

  • If your pet still has baby teeth
  • Teeth are dead and causing pain and infection
  • If teeth have an abscess or pocket of infection at the root
  • Teeth are fractured (example: from chewing something too hard like rocks or hooves)
  • Teeth are loose and uncomfortable
How often should my pet have a professional dental cleaning?
For most pets, we recommend dental cleanings every 1-3 years, depending on age, breed, and other circumstances such as diet and individual chemistry in the mouth. During dental cleanings, we will take full mouth x-rays, remove tartar from the teeth and under the gum lines, which will prevent infection and bone loss. Keeping teeth clean and gums healthy is the best way to ensure your pet keeps those teeth as long as possible. It also helps prevent other health issues, such as heart, kidney, and liver infections, down the road.
Why do we need dental x-rays?
Because 60% of the tooth lies under the gums, we perform dental x-rays for every patient to ensure the health of the entire tooth. X-rays are the only way for us to know if your pet has a serious dental problem that can be treated, relieving discomfort. Dental x-rays can reveal things like abscesses, bone loss, unerupted teeth, and more.
What do I need to know to prepare for my pet’s dental procedure?
A referral from your primary veterinarian is NOT required for dental procedures. We do require a pre-dental consultation with our veterinarian. Bloodwork is required for all pets five years and older. Please let us know if your pet is on any medications or supplements, as well as if any known allergies, drug, or vaccine reactions have occurred. The night before surgery, we ask that you refrain from feeding your pet past midnight and no breakfast the day of surgery, but water is ok.

A team member will call or text you to let you know when your pet is out of surgery and in recovery. They will also let you know what time to pick your pet up to go home. You will be sent home with a postoperative care form and any prescribed medications for your pet’s recovery.

Please ensure your pet does not have any of the following symptoms before the appointment: no vomiting, diarrhea, coughing, sneezing, lethargy, loss of appetite, or anything that appears as odd or not normal behavior for your pet.

We strongly recommend that ALL pets be up-to-date on vaccinations, primarily Rabies and DA2PP (dogs)/ FVRCP (cats). Please note, proof of these vaccinations from a qualified veterinarian will need to be provided prior to or during your appointment.

All cats must be in a sturdy appropriate size carrier and all dogs on leashes.

Please note we accept cash, CareCredit, Scratchpay, and most major credit cards (no Checks). Full payment is due at the time of pickup.

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