Patella Luxation Repair

Patella Luxation Repair

Patella Luxation Repair   Does your pet occasionally hop or have difficulty bearing weight on their legs? This could be a sign your pet is suffering from kneecap displacement, also known as patella luxation. Patella luxation repair is an orthopedic surgery that...
Perineal Urethrostomy Surgery

Perineal Urethrostomy Surgery

What is Perineal Urethrostomy Surgery? Perineal urethrostomy surgery (often shortened to PU) is a surgical procedure that changes the male cat’s urethra to make it easier to urinate. Perineal urethrostomy surgery is often recommended after having multiple urinary...
Healthy Thanksgiving for Pets

Healthy Thanksgiving for Pets

Feast Without Fear: How to Make a Safe Thanksgiving Feast for Your Pet Thanksgiving is a drool-worthy holiday, but it’s not just people who overeat during the festivities. Pets also may overindulge, and too much of a good thing can lead to a messy outcome, like...
4 Ways to Celebrate National Cat Day

4 Ways to Celebrate National Cat Day

Our feline friends are some of the most curious and personality-packed pets around. Nothing beats seeing your kitty companion scaling your furniture and seeing them explore the hidden wonders around your home. That’s why you should make this year’s National Cat Day on...